Flint Poet Laureate Invited to Speak to Law Class at
The University of Michigan On African American Branded Stereotypes
Media Contact: Pamela R. Purifoy
(919) 451-2620
Email: [email protected]
For Immediate Release – September 10, 2020
Flint, MI— The uprisings that ensued after the death of George Floyd, sparked corporations to increase diversity, and inclusion programs. Several have also taken a second look at their branded names and trademarked images, such as Aunt Jemima’s Pancake mix, and Uncle Ben’s Rice; Pepisco and Mars, Incorporated, respectively. Both corporations declared to change their brand identities to eliminate racial stereotypes. Semaj Brown, Poet Laureate of Flint, Michigan wrote a post on Facebook regarding these brands, and the social ramifications of the images of Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben.
Susan M. Kornfield, University of Michigan’s Law School professor who teaches The Law of Marketing, Intellectual Property and Copyright gleamed an opportunity for her law students as she read Semaj Brown’s Facebook post. Kornfield was excited about the prospect of introducing her students to Semaj’s thoughtfully crafted ideas. A week later, Brown penned the essay, Branded: The Buying Frying Making Baking of African American Domestic Stereotypes which will be formally presented to professor Kornfield’s senior law school class. The students will be afforded the opportunity to engage in a unique perspective, based upon Semaj Brown’s thought leadership. This discussion intends to enhance and expand perspective as related to Trademark Law.
Brown states, “I am honored to be invited to discuss branding of these African American domestic stereotypes, and what the “un-branding” could mean for future generations.” The classroom presentation at The University of Michigan Law School will be held on Thursday, September 17, 2020.