About Semaj | Media Releases | Interviews/Reviews/Media | Performances | About Health Collectors™ | Calendar | Newsletter
About Semaj | Media Releases | Interviews/Reviews/Media | Performances | About Health Collectors™ | Calendar | Newsletter
Bleeding Fire! Tap the Eternal Spring of Regenerative Light | Feasts and Fables from the Planted Kingdom | Mother Ocean (Making of a New Tribe)
Poetry Pod Project (P3) | Children’s Poetry Show | Poetry Confessions: Tea Time with the Poet Laureate | Column Flint Courier News
Flint Reads Poetry | Poetry Penpals/Dance Poetry | Poetry in the Garden | Poetry Paints
Poetry | Essays | Lectures | Semaj’s Personal Inspiration
University Lectures | Literary Arts | Children’s Project Development
6 Branches | Butterfly Building | Onion Revolt
“There are some things we can understand through facts. And then there are some things that we may understand better through feeling. Poet Semaj Brown has spent most of her writing life with a foot in both worlds. In her passionate, evocative writing, the natural world and her community intertwine and connect in surprising ways. As Flint’s first poet laureate, she’s formalized her educational work, while acting as a kind of medium and mirror for the city’s response to its water crisis.”
April Behr
Host of NPR Affiliate Michigan Public Radio, “Stateside from
The Healing Power of Poetry with Flint’s First Poet Laureate
“Semaj Brown is one of the original pillars of the Detroit poetry and performance scene. Her writing has long been popular and acclaimed by Detroit and national audiences. Semaj and her art has well represented our city for decades. Semaj’s unique ability to capture the essence of American culture and social justice in her writing is widely respected. She has engaged thousands in our community with her literary work, her creative style of teaching writing and through her incredible and engaging performances. Semaj is an iconic Michigan literary treasure.”
Professor M. L. Liebler, PhD
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Wayne State University, Poet, Director of The Detroit Writers’ Guild
“…Her performance was a creative and extremely moving message that kept the entire audience’s rapt attention. From my experience of working with artists for over 40 years, I can say she is the real deal and we are extremely fortunate to have her in our city. “
CEO of Flint Institute of Arts John B. Henry
“The Genius of Semaj: Semaj Brown’s performance of Bleeding Fire! Tap the Eternal Spring of Regenerative Light at The Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History was a masterpiece of poetry, prose, and song. Original music was composed by James Brown MD. While enjoying the mesmerizing performance, it is a comfort to know that her book by the same name will allow the audience to linger over the words spoken during this one of a kind production that so captivates its audience.
The artistry is a full multi-dimensional cultural feast, filled with talented performers of all ages and ethnicities. Indian dance by Sunanda Samaddar Corrado and Afro modern fusion dance by Oiya Lowe beautifully interpret a variety of subjects Semaj explores, including Semaj’s life and that of her generation. Semaj dramatizes the joy and complexities of growing up in Detroit in the fiery poem, Cass Tech (Fish Eyes). The Semaj experience makes us look at 9/11, loss of life, environmental injustices, love and companionship in a new way.”
Pamela Purifoy
Owner of PRPro Media Digital Marketing & Brand Strategies
National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ)
Co-chair of NABJ Media Related Member Taskforce
“I can still sway and bounce to the vibrating beat of Semaj Brown’s stellar soundtrack performance of the art video, “Wave Rock” at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History!
One cannot escape the essence of the author, as one delves into Bleeding Fire! Tap the Eternal Spring of Regenerative Light, (Broadside Lotus Press and Health Collectors™ LLC), Semaj’s new book. Unlike, a novel, her work must be read, digested slowly, and then, reassembled back into the complex collection of poetry and prose. Semaj is a gifted, extraordinary writer.”
Edith Withey
Retired Dean Kettering University
“The boundless creative genius of Semaj continues to resonate in the souls of all participants who witnessed her electrifying performance at the Charles H. Wright museum of African American History. This is why we await, with great anticipation, her return, again and again.”
Charles Ferrell
Vice President of Public Programs Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History